Camden Show: Still a Country Show


For the past two years we have packed a day bag and headed off to the Camden Show in early April. Running a few weeks before the Royal Easter Show we find it to be much more relaxing whilst offering many of our favourite show exhibits.


Typically we make a bee line for the produce exhibits. We study the variety of different vegetables and look wistfully at the cakes (if only we could sample them!) before heading over to the bird exhibit.


Both my children, driven totally by my bird obsessed husband, adore this exhibit. They study the various chickens, ducks and bantams with rapt attention. This year it inspired us to investigate the possibility of inviting some ducklings to join our family. (Watch this space for updates).


Of course Show Bags are always on our show list alongside rides. I think we are fairly generous, with both of our kidlets provided their choice of show bag this year and a handful of rides. Top of their list was the haunted house ride. Of course, it was too scary for them to ride alone so my husband and I were roped in to join them!

The Camden Show is on our annual activity bucket list. It’s small enough not to be squashed in a crowd but large enough to offer everything one wants in a show. Hot tip: wear gumboots if it has been wet in the lead up to your day!

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