Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

Last week I received a nomination for a Liebster Blogging Award. Oh the thrill. It brought a smile to my face. I’m still a little giddy. I have finally found a moment to read each question and provide a response. I hope you enjoy the read

What is your favourite memory from travelling with your kid/s?
We have had so many wonderful travel experiences I really don’t know which would be my favourite. Hmmm….. I think that our recent trip to Perth was spectacular. The entire holiday was spent on adventures which we also shared with our children’s Godparents.

Now that the kids are both in primary school a lot of our travels are created to answer the questions that they are pondering after reading a book, spy a wild animal or after viewing a particular scene in a movie. This excites me as we can explore concepts through our adventures that the kids are thinking about, providing lasting and real meaning.

But our favourite memory? What a difficult question! Pass.

Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

What is your favourite aspect of life at home (because all travel bloggers need reminding sometimes that home life is precious too)?
Gosh, I feel like any response I provide is going to come across all clichéd. What the heck – my favourite aspect of life at home is the mundane day to day fun we have as a family. Board games are a particular favourite and reading from our home library.

Describe the scene of your child’s most devastating travel meltdown
*fingers crossed* so far my children have never had a devastating meltdown travelling or at home. Seriously, I’m blessed.

What was the very first trip you took with your child/children?
Striker’s first trip was to Hamilton Island (you can read about our adventures here). Sunshine’s was to Melbourne. Since then they have been to every state except SA and Tasmania and have flown over twenty times.

Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

What is your favourite type of accommodation?
Although I adore camping I am yet to convince T to try it. Our favourite accommodation is a toss-up between holiday homes (such as those on Airbnb or Stayz) and a good 2 bedroom suite in a hotel. Going on holiday is supposed to be relaxing and fun for the parents as well, so we always try to source 2 bedrooms – 1 for us and 1 for them to share. When we are in the tropics – a pool is great! We don’t take advantage of Kid Clubs in resorts (we are on holiday to have adventures together!) but I can’t say no to good room service. WIFI is a must!

Which country’s residents do you think welcomes travelling families with the most warmth?
This is tricky to answer as we haven’t travelled overseas with our children this year (wait for our adventures later this year!). From our observations travelling, the Fijians and Italians have been particularly warm and embraced the children of tourists in all the hotels were stayed at.

Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

What is your favourite memory of travel or local exploration from your own childhood?
My earliest travel memory is from when I was merely two years of age. We flew from Tasmania to Darwin and I clearly remember disembarking the plane to walk down the stairs onto the tarmac and being hit with the most intense heat I had ever encountered. It was as if someone had put me under a gigantic hand dryer!

I have a number of favourite travel memories which all seem to revolve around camping: a trip down the East coast of Australia in our 4×4; camping with our extended family and then all the horse riding adventures I went on with my best friend during my high school years. My best friend and I would ride all day and then set up camp at night. We were in our early teens and were so proud of our campfire cooking. We would count the stars, talk endlessly about school, our dreams and different adventures we had planned. It was so much fun. We also learned why you shouldn’t put a can of unopened baked beans on the fire!!

One website that you find valuable in trip planning?
Most recently I have become a little obsessed with Trip Advisor and Airbnb.  I also tend to find myself going back to Out and About with Kids quite regularly.

One item that you never leave home without?
Besides my family? 😉 My iPhone. It is my camera, my source for information, my map and I even have pay pass so I don’t need a wallet anymore.

Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

Pre-boarding or boarding last. Your preference and reasons.
Probably last. It doesn’t take us long to get comfortable and the less time my kids spend sitting the better!

Where are you going on your next trip?
We were off to Hamilton Island in September BUT whilst I have airfares sorted I have left the accommodation too late and can’t find any – so we are rethinking that. Our big trip is planned for December/January at which time we are introducing the kids to international travel! Can.not.wait!!

The Liebster Award Rules are as follows:
·         Thank the blogger who gave it to you including a link back to their website – Done but thank you once again Expatirate Games
·         Answer the eleven questions they ask you – Done
·         Nominate bloggers with less than 500 followers â€“ Well I nominate Journeys of the Fabulist and Big World Little Eyes Travel 
·         Ask eleven questions –
 Why is family travel important to you?
Best family travel memory?
Any embarrassing travel moments?
Do you travel without children anymore?
Any family travel packing tips to share?
Who plans the trips in your household?
Best kids menu a restaurant you have come across?
What inspired you to start your blog?
How far in advance do you plan your family travel?
Where is your next trip planned to?
Where would you rather be today?
·         Let those bloggers know that they have been nominated so they can continue the chain – will do!

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