Story Time : Books For The Child Traveller

Just before Christmas through to the week before school went back in New South Wales, our family spent our time travelling around California, USA and then enjoying the beach for a day or two on our return home. Consequently, our weekly book post went on an unplanned hiatus. You’ll be happy to hear that this didn’t stop us reading and we even bought a few books at Barnes and Nobles on our trip, adding a dozen or more books to our bursting book case.Whilst still in the travelling mood I thought I would share 10 books for the child traveller which are they are sure to enjoy.

I’ve had my eye on Maps since spotting it in my favourite bookshop in Newtown a month or so back. I’ll be popping in to buy it soon! Oops has driven me crazy over the years as it is Master R’s favourite picture book and he will often request it night after night for weeks. It has a great narrative but we often change it around a bit and tell the story from background characters perspectives. Miss N received the Kiki K travel journal for Christmas and has been most diligent about recording her travels. Do you have a budding writer in your family? They might like it too.

Do you have any other travel books you would add? Let me know in the comments so others can enjoy them (and I can source them for our bookshelf too!)

Story Time : Books For The Child Traveller

  1. Maps Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski $36.13
  2. Fodor’s Around New York City with Kids $14.32 **
  3. The Travel Game John Grandits $23.36
  4. Oops Jean-Luc Fromental $21.94 (Master R’s favourite)
  5. This is San Francisco Miroslav Sasek $22.17 **
  6. Not for Parents Australia: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know $11.73 **
  7. Walk This World Lotta Niemenen $22.63
  8. The Children’s Travel Book $18.10
  9. Kids Travel Journal Kiki K $24.95
  10. Katie and the Mona Lisa James Mayhew $12.84

*Prices correct at time of publication.

**this is one of a series of this nature

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