M&M’s World Las Vegas : Levels of Chocolate Goodness

M&M's World Las Vegas : Levels of Chocolate Goodness

On confirming our trip to California for our December/January trip, T and I spent a great deal of time debating whether we should take a side trip Las Vegas. For months leading up to our trip I trawled forums to see if others had included it in their Californian itinerary. I even asked a few travel agents what they thought. Almost everyone I asked told us YES! They then highlighted the M&M’s World as a most see destination so of course we went.

M&M's World Las Vegas : Levels of Chocolate Goodness

M&M’s world was on the same block as our Hotel – The MGM Grand. It’s promoted as 4 levels of M&M heaven. For the shopper perhaps. We found it to be four levels of merchandise with one focusing on the actual M&M chocolate. The ground floor focuses on coffee mugs and other souvenirs, all with a M&M feel of course. The second floor, probably the only one we spent time on, has a wall of 22 different M&M’s colours which you can select for purchase. We gave the kids free rein to fill a small bag each ($36.00US dollars later). You can also buy tshirts on this level. The third level is where you go to customise M&M’s and enjoy a free M&M movie. The fourth level is dedicated NASCAR and M&M’s sponsored Toyota Camry race car.

M&M's World Las Vegas : Levels of Chocolate Goodness

Despite reassurances from a number of people that M&M World would be the highlight of Las Vegas for our kids, our actual adventure there did not meet our expectations. Whilst fun, realistically it is just a retail store selling merchandise and we are a family that likes doing things rather than shopping. If you’re on the strip you will enjoy checking out the endless choices of M&M’s in quite an array of colours. Of course, it’s free to look but you will need to pay for any M&M’s you consume or wish to take home.

M&M's World Las Vegas : Levels of Chocolate Goodness

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