Year of Firsts : 20 Family Adventures

Year of Firsts : 20 Family Adventures

This year I’m totally jumping on board the #YearOf Firsts challenge. I’m tweaking it so it’s all about our family adventures and experiences.

Want to join in? The rules are pretty simple:
– Make a list of at least 20 – 30 ‘firsts’ you want to experience this year.
– Document those experiences by taking photos & bloging about them, linking back to your list.
– Post your url in the comment section on The Confetti Room so others can follow your journey.
– Leave a comment on the other participants #YearOfFirsts posts!

  1. Try out the local skate park
  2. Create a stop motion movie
  3. Visit a town or state we have never travelled to before
  4. Learn how to spot the Southern Cross in the sky
  5. Try snails
  6. Experience Teppanyaki
  7. Go for a night walk with torches
  8. Try indoor skydiving via iFly Downunder
  9. Start a coding journey
  10. Learn about bush tucker and collect some ourselves
  11. Build a snowman
  12. Complete a scavenger hunt
  13. Roast marshmallows together
  14. Swim in the ocean at Bondi Beach
  15. Swim in a lake
  16. Catch a Sydney Ferry
  17. Learn to count 10 in another language
  18. Build a sandcastle with a moat
  19. Skip stones
  20. Host a picnic with friends

Have you created YOUR Year of Firsts list? We would love to check it out. Please leave your URL in the comment box below so we can head on over and read it.  Think we should add something? Let us know.

7 thoughts on “Year of Firsts : 20 Family Adventures”

  1. Leah, I LOVE your list! There’s so much on it that I’d like to do – like the night walk with torches, indoor skydiving, building a snowman! Oh wait till you try Teppanyaki – soooooo delicious! xo

    • Danish is the one we are thinking about! Strangely, the kids are very enthusiastic about learning more words in Danish so they can talk more with their new friends


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