Monkey – Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic

Monkey - Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic

Image: Supplied

Monkey – Journey to the West has arrived at the Sydney Opera House and is showing from 04 April 2015– 19 April 2015!

Monkey - Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic

Image: Supplied

As children of the 80s, both T and I have the adventures of Monkey Magic (Saiy?ki – ???) firmly ingrained in our memories of after school television viewing. No doubt most Australian adults over the age of 30 will remember the dubbed Japanese episodes which saw Monkey protecting monk Tripitaka on his pilgrimage from China to India to obtain holy scriptures alongside Pigsy and Sandy. It was cult classic with many of us reenacting scenes in our lounge room and laughing hysterically at the banter between the characters (and the poor translations).

Monkey - Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic

Image: Supplied

I’m a little younger than T so I never really understood the premise of Monkey Magic, although I delighted in watching Monkey berate Pigsy. T, on the other hand, was a huge fan and can still quote lines and actions from the show. Imagine his delight when we discovered that an adaption of the tale had been brought to the stage by Kim Carpenter’s Theatre of Image with John Bell (by arrangement with Bell Shakespeare) co-directing.

Monkey - Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic

Image: Supplied

Monkey – Journey to the West combines martial arts, puppetry, song and dance into a masterpiece production that is the perfect introduction to Monkey Magic or a stand alone in its own right. The production leads the audience through Monkey’s antics in heaven, his imprisonment by Buddha for 500 years under a mountain and subsequent release and then his journey to the west with Tripitaka who can punish him with a simple spell attached to the crown he wears.

Monkey - Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic Thanks to Sydney Opera House, we headed off to view Monkey – Journey to the West on the first Saturday of the school holidays. I had high expectations which were easily met. Both Miss N and Master R loved the show. They laughed at Pigsy’s buffoonery and cheered when Monkey ridiculed him again and again. It was interesting to watch their reactions to different events in the narrative. At times, Miss N sat, mouth agape, as monsters appeared and tried to trick Tripitaka, Monkey, Sandy and Pigsy. Master R was thrilled by the martial arts that were incorporated into the production.

Monkey - Journey to the West : Introducing Kids to Monkey Magic

If you are looking for something to do with your kids these school holidays, or even a date with your partner sans kids, I highly recommend Monkey – Journey to the West. The season is running from 04 April 2015– 19 April 2015 with tickets from $28.00. Click here form more details.

If you are planning to drive, I highly recommend pre-booking your parking here

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