Babies Proms Country Kids : A Date with Golden Guitar Winner Darren Coggan

Babies Proms Country Kids : A Date with Golden Guitar Winner Darren Coggan

Music appreciation is something I like to think starts from the womb and for that reason I played music daily during both my pregnancies. Back in 2009 Hungarian and Norwegian researchers reported that day old babies are able to discriminate rhythmic patterns revealing it is innate to each of us rather than learned (Psychology Today). This reinforces my own belief that music has the power to optimise our mood and strengthen our bonds.

Babies Proms Country Kids : A Date with Golden Guitar Winner Darren Coggan

I’m always singing to my children and often seek out opportunities for them to participate in song and dance activities. It makes us feel good and I am certain that it maintains and strengthens our bond.

Babies Proms Country Kids : A Date with Golden Guitar Winner Darren Coggan

Today we could be introducing you to your toddler’s first every country music concert with news that tickets are now available to the latest Sydney Opera House’s Babies Proms Country Kids.  Gold Guitar winning Darren Coggan is at the helm leading a five piece band that features a banjo and harmonica among its assortment of instruments. He will have both you and your toddler singing along to some of Australia’s favourite country classics  and dancing to ‘Boot Scootin’ Boogie!’ in no time.

Babies Proms Country Kids : A Date with Golden Guitar Winner Darren Coggan

I must admit that I am a little sad that both Master R and Miss N are now at school and just over the cusp of being able to participate as it is on during school time. Babies Proms Country Kids is best suited to toddlers and preschoolers 2-5.

Babies Proms Country Kids : A Date with Golden Guitar Winner Darren Coggan

Babies Proms Country Kids starts on Wednesday, 6 May through to Sunday, 17 May with 9.30 am, 10.30 am and 11.30 am sessions available most days from $16.00 a ticket. Tickets are available directly from the Sydney Opera House. 

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