Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

Last year I was invited to attend the Kidspot Voices of 2014 Gala event as a part of the KidStyleFile team. It was a wonderful night where I met the gorgeous Phoebe from Little Grey Box and Bec from Mumma Tells. Little did I know that they would become my inspiration.

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

As I headed off to the Star to experience the Zumbo Train (don’t get excited – it no longer exists) I was feeling a little high on life. Ideas started swirling around my head and it was into my second lick of my soft serve that I had an epiphany – I could write my OWN blog too! So began my little passion project – The Kid Bucket List.

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

The Kid Bucket List is a little different to your traditional travel blog as both T and I have day jobs which we are quite passionate about. We are your travelling neighbours. The activities you see us writing about on the Kid Bucket List are within your reach without you needing to give up your day job or sell an organ or two to afford. What we’ve tried to maintain is a goal to experience as much of life as we can with our kids, to seize the moment and enjoy every moment when we can. You can read why here.

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

For the last year, I have been writing when I can between my other blogging commitments and my role as an Assistant Principal here in Sydney. I had this little dream of attending the Kidspot Voices of 2015 as a nominee, of getting the Kid Bucket List on the map and it provides other families with ideas on how they can integrate travel adventures into their weekends and holidays.

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

Low and behold, this weekend I flew to Melbourne to attend the Kidspot Voices of 2014 Masterclass where the top 100 was announced. The Kid Bucket List was one of the finalists in the Food and Travel category. Amazing, right? I think my head nearly exploded with glee. I was in a room bursting with so much talent (and a little overwhelmed with my #fangirl goggles on) that it was quite surreal to hear my name.

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

I’m unsure where we are headed next, what adventures we will take, but I hope you can come along for the ride. YOU are my tribe, my cheer team and the reason we keep writing. Thank you so much for coming back and reading our ramblings.

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You

10 thoughts on “Kidspot Voices of 2015 Food & Travel Finalists : A Big Thank You”

  1. Congratulations! I love that your blog is “real”. You write about places that most families can get to and activities that most families can do. Looking forward to seeing what happens next for you.


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