Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Last July we stayed in Sydney for the school holidays and quickly declared that we needed to plan somewhere warm for spring. I thought Europe. T was a little more realistic and suggested the Sunshine Coast. Our bank account agreed.

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

When spring arrived, we flew into Brisbane airport, hired a car and headed north. With a few hours between touchdown and check in we planned to stop at Strawberry Fields Farm along the way.

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields? Yes! We’re literally talking about fields of strawberries!

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

The site we visited (there are actually two) is located just east of Aussie World off the Bruce Highway. Historically speaking, it is along the old Cob & Co Route, now called Laxton Road, Palmview which I found pretty impressive. Better yet, the farm is family owned and has been operated by the Carmichael’s since 1980. You’ll feel that family love when you visit.

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields is open all year but it’s best visiting from June to November when its picking season. When you arrive, head into the main office to grab a punnet and then get picking! Be careful – birds like strawberries too and many fly in and take a quick peck before flying away. Check for holes. When you’ve filled your punnet, head back so it can be weighed and then paid for so you can take your delights home. Make sure to peek inside the factory and watch the strawberry workers packing the fruit for market.

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

We all enjoyed picking and eating our strawberries. They seemed so much juicier when picked ripe from the stem. We decided to save the majority for when we got back to our accommodation and headed into the cafe for more delights. Homemade strawberry ice-cream anyone?

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

While the kids played on the tractor playground, T and I shared a strawberry cheesecake. My gosh!! We were in heaven.

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm in the Sunshine Coast is open 7 days a week 8am to 4.30pm. 133 Laxton Rd
Palmview, QLD, 4553. Exit 190 off Bruce Highway. There is plenty of parking, although I suspect weekends are busy. 
 Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

Strawberry Fields Farm : Pick Your Own Delights on the Sunshine Coast

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