Trailblazers : Australia’s 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

History exhibits are often presented in a way that is largely inaccessible to kids. The focus is on artefacts that they can’t touch, wordy descriptions with a plethora of dates and lots of “no flash photography” signage. I’m passionate about history and seek out opportunities that will engage my kids in the narrative of those before us.

Trailblazers Exhibition has now finished. 

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

When last weekend crept up on us we decided to ignore the growing laundry pile and head into the city to visit the Australian Museum’s newest exhibit – Trailblazers for its first weekend opening. I was excited. I must admit that the kids and T were not as thrilled and were expecting a rather drab afternoon. They were in for a very pleasant surprise.

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

The curator of Trailblazers has drawn together a magnificent exhibit that showcases 50 inspirational adventures from both our most famous and from our quiet achievers in exploration. Starting from our oceans, you will move between the different landscapes our explorers have adventured: jungles, deserts, inland, caves, mountains, poles, aviation and space.  Does that sound like something your kids would be excited about? Perhaps not, yet…..

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

As we entered the exhibit we were told about the Trailblazers app. T and I both downloaded it onto our phones and handed it to the kids. Best decision ever! This cool app creates an “Amazing Race” type setting for the kids. They were literally reading the clues and running around the exhibit to check off their finds. It provided time for T and I to read our way through the exhibit and focus on some of the artefacts that the kids usually don’t find so interesting. Magic!

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

When we entered the higher level of the exhibit, the kids discovered a climbing a wall. Fancy that! A climbing wall in a museum. They were pinching themselves. They read about some of the explorers who has scaled the world’s highest peaks and then set about imagining they were following in their footsteps as they climbed across the wall. They didn’t want to leave.

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

We spent a good 90 minutes or so exploring the Trailblazers exhibition before heading to the rooftop cafe for lunch. Whilst the kids did engage with the interactive exhibition largely through the app and climbing wall (and the awesome storytelling touch screen thing), they did leave with a richer understanding of Australian exploration. They can even name a dozen more than beforehand such as Strzelecki, Wylie, Jackey Jackey, Lady Jane Franklin, Sir Hubert Wilkins and Sydney lads James ‘Cas’ Castrission and Justin ‘Jonesy’ Jones (the kids found their video fascinating – kayaking from Australia to NZ? Mindblowing) to name just a few.

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

The Australian Museum Trailblazer exhibition is open now until 18 July, 2016. A family ticket (2 adults + 2 children) is currently $50.00. Children under 5 are free. You can visit the Australian Museum site for further details

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

Trailblazers : Australia's 50 Greatest Explorers at the Australian Museum

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