Aussie Slang – Deciphering Australian English On Your Trip Down Under

The Australian language is a funny thing. Born from a concoction of mixed accents from our European migrants, often visitors have trouble deciphering what us Aussies are saying. We talk fast, often using words that contradict the actual meaning. Yeah could mean no. To make it easier for your trip to our great Southern land, I’ve developed our top 21 Aussie slang words and phrases. Be warned, this does vary from state to state and there are hundreds more!

Aussie Slang - Deciphering Australian English On Your Trip Down Under

I would love to know what you would add. Please leave a comment with your best Aussie slang and it’s meaning.

2 thoughts on “Aussie Slang – Deciphering Australian English On Your Trip Down Under”

  1. Such a good list! It reminds me of the YouTube video of the two guys have a ‘real’ Aussie conversation using so much slang. Have a bikkie, chuck a sickie, etc. Hilarious.

    It’s funny that you call swimmers cozzies, we call them togs (I am too am Australian). Or how about budgie smugglers? Eeewww. haha. Awesome post!

    • Thank you! We call bathing suits swimmers or bathers here. T says cozzies for some reason. Budgie smugglers- ew!! Sadly, I think of our last PM each time I read that now


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