Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

My inner geek was first revealed in public way back at the turn of the millennium when I headed to Melbourne so I could meet James Marsters aka Spike at a Buffy the Vampire Slayer convention. I’ve so far sheltered the kids from my true geekiness but decided that this year was the year to divulge a little of this at their first convention. Thanks to a gifting of tickets, Oz Comic-Con would be the place to start.

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

Oz Comic-Con is annual event held at Glebe Island (although it will move to the new ICC in 2017). It’s one of a number of huge fan events for those that love to celebrate the world of comics, sci-fi and gaming. You can get your geek on and go all cosplay on the day or you could just go as yourself (which we chose to do this year).

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

If you haven’t been to Oz Comic-Con before you may have a skewed concept of the whole thing and have written it off as a “geek” only event. Over the weekend we learned that it is much more than just a space where die-hard comic fans converge. It’s like a huge wonderland for kids where they can view some of their favourite movie, anime, TV and comic book heroes (and villains) come to life. It’s also a space where you can retract from reality for a wee bit and enter a whole new dimension. Okay, okay….so it is a total  geek-fest but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

The highlight for us, aside all the people in cosplay, was the FOXTEL FX Walking Dead trailer. Why? Well it was here that we had our very first ZOMBIE makeup adventure. The kids and I had our faces transformed along with our arms. I must say, eating in Balmain was super interesting afterwards.

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

SO how did the kids like the experience? Well, they’re already talking about their costumes for next year and it looks like the Ghostbusters will be coming to town (want to wager that they’ll change their minds by then?).

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

If you want to know what a typical day looks like, head over to the website www.ozcomiccon.com where you will find schedules, guest stars….you know, signature signings and all that stuff. 

Thanks to Oz Comic-Con for the gift of a family pass. We were under no obligation to write about our experience but couldn’t wait to share our Zombie images with you!

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

Oz Comic-Con : Unleashing Our Inner Geek in Sydney

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