Travelling With Your Toothbrush : Oral Care When You’re Out and About

Travelling doesn’t mean that your personal hygiene routines need to change all that much when you shift between hotels or during a long haul flight. Even when you can’t grab a shower, simply brushing your teeth can perk you up and make you feel cleaner. It’s for this reason that I always pack our toothbrushes and toothpaste in our carry on.

Travelling With Your Toothbrush : Oral Care When You’re Out and About

We’re very much a connected family when it comes to electronics. We travel with a plethora of gadgets but until now, have left our electric toothbrushes at home, concerned that charging then could be a problem. Enter the Colgate® ProClinical® Pocket Pro which has changed everything I ever though about travelling with my toothbrush whilst also making the whole oral health routine a super seamless experience – my kids run towards the bathroom rather than running away from it when prompted to brush these days.

Travelling With Your Toothbrush : Oral Care When You’re Out and About

So what has gotten me so excited by a simple electric toothbrush. Well for starters the Colgate® ProClinical® Pocket Pro can be charged via USB while I am updating the Kid Bucket List or looking for a new destination. It doesn’t even take that long. It fits in a simple USB charging travel case and could fit in my pocket between moving from my seat to the bathroom on our next flight when I need freshening up. I can see the kids doing this easily.

Travelling With Your Toothbrush : Oral Care When You’re Out and About

We’ve been reminded at each of our annual dental appointments that morning and evening brushing is paramount to keeping our teeth and gums healthy. We have an established routine to ensure this takes place, although the kids have generally needed a lot of prompting around this. The Colgate® ProClinical® C250 has a 2 minute timer which helps preventing “cheating” and the often “10 second’ clean which both my kids can be guilty. It’s soft, it’s fun. It’s found itself fully immersed in our family routines.

Travelling With Your Toothbrush : Oral Care When You’re Out and About

The Colgate® ProClinical® Pocket Pro and Colgate® ProClinical® C250 toothbrush are both available at Woolworths, Coles, The Shaver Shop and Priceline nationwide. The Colgate® ProClinical® C250 is an affordable $59.95 and the Colgate® ProClinical® Pocket Pro is $149.95.

This post has been sponsored by Colgate Australia. All opinions are clearly my own.

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