Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Our top tip for Amazement Farm and Fun Park in Wyong ; “Keep your left hand on the wall as you enter and don’t take it off. It will get you through the maze” 

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

When searching for mazes in NSW we came across the website for Amazement Farm and Fun Park in Wyong and suddenly we were on a spontaneous trip out of Sydney and heading north. A fun day of adventure was to follow.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Amazement Farm and Fun park can be found in Wyong Creek which is about 90 minutes north of Sydney. It features a number of mazes, a plethora of farm animals, a few outdoor play spaces and plenty of space for a BBQ or picnic. Whilst it is not a large site, it doesn’t seem to get  overly crowded which means the you can move seamlessly between each activity without needing to wait.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Arriving at Amazement Farm and Fun Park the kids made a beeline for the animals. Whilst there is a timetable of activities each day, we had arrived just in time for the baby animal nursery. We’ve held plenty of poultry on our adventures and have had chickens at home so I was glad to see that the experience was with rabbits and guinea pigs. The session lasted for hours …. or at least it seemed like it. The kids adored the rabbits they were holding and were reluctant to put them down and head to the next activity.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Luckily the activities are on a schedule and the workers prompt visitors to the next activity otherwise we would never have moved the kids through the gates and away from the rabbits. And no, we are not getting one at home! We took a quick break at the cafe and sent the kids into the smallest maze before heading to the goats for their feeding times. Goats are very pushy when it comes to food. If you have smaller kids with you on your visit, make sure that you go in with them to prevent them getting knocked down as these fiesta creatures attempt to feed their face. Sunshine loved the goats and again, just like the rabbits, was reluctant to leave. Thankfully the schedule came in to play again.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Of course you can’t pass the mazes by when you visit Amazement Farm and Fun Park so we headed to the next maze for a family contest. We split into two groups to see who could get to the centre first. I’m pretty convinced Striker cheated and used the gate – it was in the middle super quick. We decided to tackle the second maze as a family which saw us walk in what felt circles until I made an executive decision and put my left hand on the left wall and followed it around. Success! We were out and in good time too.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Lunch came and went  with our meal sourced at the cafe again. We then headed to the outdoor sport activities and the large chess board for a little family fun before concluding our visit and heading to the car. The kids loved the trip to Amazement Farm and Fun Park. It was a fairly lazy day, although a little far from Sydney. I recommend it for one of those Saturday or Sunday’s where you need something different to fill your day.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

Amazement Farm and Fun Park can be found at 170 Yarramalong Rd, Wyong Creek. Currently a family ticket is $50.00 with opening hours Friday to Sunday during the school term and 7 Days During School Holidays. You’ll need around 2-3 hours to experience each maze and animal encounter. I believe they have added pony and carriage rides since our visit.  Head to Amazement Farm and Fun Park website for further details.

Amazement Farm and Fun Park : A Day Trip to Wyong

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