The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

CoisCéim Dance Theatre Brings The Wolf and Peter to Australia

When I was in early primary school, both of my parents worked during the school holidays. My middle brother and I usually found ourselves enrolled in school holiday programs where we would go on some amazing adventures. It was on one of these outings that I saw my very first theatre production: Peter and the Wolf. The music was almost hypnotic, and from that one simple experience I can still find myself humming the tunes without thinking. Of course I jumped on the chance to take Sunshine and Stiker to The Wolf and Peter when CoisCéim Dance Theatre brought it to the Sydney Opera House.

Many of you will know that Peter and the Wolf is known as Prokofiev’s greatest score. Many of you, like me, probably hum parts of it when you aren’t thinking. It has a way of sinking into your sub conscious. It is exciting, beautiful and mesmerising; one that all children should hear during their childhood.  The Wolf and Peter is a reinterpretation, through the wolf’s eyes, where dance is used  to convey the intricate messages of the story.

The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

Contemporary Dance and Me

When it comes to contemporary dance, well to be honest, I don’t always get it. It can be too full of metaphor and intellectualisation. It can be …… boring. I have slept through some shows, much to the distain of my fellow audience members. I’ve always thought that perhaps I need a narrative that is worded so I can invest in the production. The Wolf and Peter has changed my opinion. I actually really enjoyed the whole show, as did Sunshine.

The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

The Wolf and Peter

Glowing green columns and subtle lighting transform the stage into a forest. It is here that we are introduced to the animals of the show: a bird, a cat, a duck, and of course a wolf. Through costume, each animal is defined , however it is through the choreography that they are truly brought to life. We had trouble deciding who was our favourite but we settled on the bird and the wolf.

The Wolf and Peter is full of surprises. The wolf, while menacing and a little cruel, was also playful and fun. He had swagger and used some ultra hip break dancing moves to elicit awe from the audience. Was it just me, or did he also ooze sex appeal with his toned abs, superior upper body strength and alpha male pheromones?

The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

The Verdict

Sunshine and I were thoroughly captivated by the Wolf and Peter. We laughed, cried (yes, there is a sad moment) and found ourselves spellbound by the performance. Striker and T, not so much. They squirmed in their chairs and didn’t seem to cope well to a production without words.

The Wolf and Peter is recommended for ages 6 years and over. It is a little complex and, as we’ve mentioned above, does not have words. It is a contemporary dance production which will lead you deep into your imagination if you let it.

If you are keen to see the show, you will find it at the Playhouse at the Sydney Opera House until 16 July, 2017. You can purchase tickets here.

We were guests of the Sydney Opera House. All opinions are our own.


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