Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids : Skopje Macedonia

The Mother Teresa Memorial House With Kids (??????-???? ?? ????? ??????)

Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids

It would surprise most readers to discover that Mother Teresa was born in Skopje, Macedonia where she lived before leaving at the age of 18 in 1928 to join the Sisters of Loreto at Loreto Abbey in Rathfarnham, Ireland. In 2009 the Macedonian government opened the Mother Teresa Memorial House in honour of her life and to reveal a little of what her life would have been like when she lived in Skopje. Visiting the Mother Teresa Memorial House with kids couldn’t be missed on our trip to the capital.

Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids

The Mother Teresa Memorial House is built on the the former site of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church where Mother Teresa was baptised. I was surprised to find that the house was quite small but had a number of levels. I guess this makes sense when you learn that it has been modelled on a urban house from the 20th century. Visitors begin at ground level with a first and second floor to explore and amenities at the bottom level.

Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids

We visited during the height of summer. It was a great escape from the 40 degree celsius temperature and an opportunity for the kids to walk in the shoes of a woman they had learned a lot about at school. The Mother Teresa Memorial House was smaller than we expected but was brimming with artefacts from her life. The bedroom setting was what most intrigued the kids whose curious eyes were drawn to the embroidery.

Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids

If you are heading to Skopje Macedonia and hope to explore the Mother Teresa Memorial House with kids I strongly advise that you make it an add on to other items on your itinerary. Whilst it shouldn’t be missed, it is quite small and can be explored in under and hour.

Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids

Mother Teresa Memorial House
Hours: 9.00 am – 8.00 pm Monday – Friday; 9.00 am – 2.00 pm Saturday and Sunday
Website: Mother Teresa Memorial House website
Location: Macedonia St bb, Skopje 1000, Macedonia (FYROM)

Pricing: FREE

Mother Teresa Memorial House with Kids

We self-funded this visit. All opinions are our own. 

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