How to Get the Perfect Selfie With a Quokka on Rottnest Island

When heading to Western Australia as a family we each provided our top Bucket List items. Sunshine’s only wish was to get the perfect selfie with a quokka on Rottnest Island. 

Sunshine spent a long time working out how to get the perfect selfie with a quokka on Rottnest Island, It became an obsession as she was hell-bent on ensuring she ticked it off her Kid Bucket List. Once we landed on Rottnest Island we realised that there was an art to finding the quokkas and that patience really was a virtue.

You will read that quokkas are everywhere on Rottnest Island however, we found that when focused on finding them they were quite elusive. We actually saw more quokkas when we weren’t looking! You really need to get the timing right! Hopefully our tops help you.

Take a quokka selfie on Rottnest Island

So How Do You Get a Quokka Selfie on Rottnest Island?

What is a quokka?

What is a quokka? Small marsupial found on Rottnest island

Quokkas have become the lovable mascots of Rottnest Island. These small, furry marsupials possess an irresistible charm, with their friendly smiles and gentle demeanour. Quokkas belong to the same family as kangaroos and wallabies, and their scientific name is Setonix brachyurus

Quokkas have compact bodies, rounded ears, and short tails. One of their distinctive features is their seemingly smiling face, which has earned them the nickname “the happiest animal on Earth.” 

Quokkas are herbivorous animals, primarily feeding on grasses, leaves, and stems, and are largely nocturnal. They are found predominantly on Rottnest Island, as well as some nearby islands and regions, making them an iconic symbol of the area. These adorable creatures have gained international fame due to their photogenic nature and the trend of taking selfies with them.

Quokka Selfie Photography Tips

Selfie tips for getting the perfect Quokka shot

If you are looking to capture the perfect selfie with the quokka on Rottnest Island, you will need to be prepared and be mindful of these tips:

  1. Get down to their level: Quokkas are small creatures, so it’s important to crouch down or get at their eye level for the perfect shot. This perspective creates a more intimate connection in the photo and highlights their adorable features.
  2. Maintain a safe distance: While quokkas are generally friendly, it’s crucial to respect their space and maintain a safe distance. Keep at least an arm’s length away to ensure their comfort and minimize any potential stress or disruption to their natural behaviour.
  3. Use natural lighting: Take advantage of the beautiful natural lighting on Rottnest Island. Opt for outdoor settings and avoid using flash, as it can startle the quokkas. Soft, natural light will enhance the colours and bring out the details in your Quokka selfie.
  4. Be patient and observant: Quokkas are curious creatures and may approach you on their own accord. Instead of chasing them for a photo, be patient and observe their behaviour. By allowing them to come to you, you can capture more authentic and spontaneous moments.
  5. Avoid feeding or touching them: It’s essential to remember that quokkas are wild animals. While they may appear friendly, it’s best to refrain from feeding or touching them. Feeding can disrupt their natural diet and behaviour, and touching may cause them stress or harm. Appreciate their beauty from a respectful distance.

By following these tips, you’ll have a higher chance of capturing memorable and ethical quokka selfies while ensuring the well-being of these adorable creatures.

Make sure you look up #quokkaselfie on Instagram.

When to Go to Rottnest Island to see Quokkas

Rottnest Island in Western Australia is where to go to get a selfie with a quokka

Quokkas are present on Rottnest Island throughout the year, but their visibility and activity levels may vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, food availability, and mating seasons. Regardless of the time of year, maintaining a respectful approach and adhering to guidelines for interacting with quokkas will ensure a positive experience for both visitors and the quokkas themselves.

Personally, I would head over during the warmer months, specifically from late spring to early autumn so you can enjoy the water as well as grab your selfie with a quokka. You may wish to avoid the school holidays when Rottnest Island becomes super busy. 

What is the Best Time to get a Quokka Selfie?

The best time to see quokkas and increase your chances of getting a selfie with them is during the early morning or late afternoon. Quokkas are nocturnal animals, so they tend to be more active during these times when the temperature is cooler. 

Avoid the peak midday heat as quokkas may seek shade and be less visible during that time. However, please remember to always respect their space and behaviour, as their well-being takes precedence over capturing the perfect selfie.

How Should You Approach Quokka’s to Get A Selfie?

Take a selfie with a quokka on Rottnest Island

There are a few tips you should consider when approaching your chosen quokka for a selfie. This will ensure both you and the quokka remain safe and are not stressed by the experience. 

  1. Maintain a calm and relaxed demeanour: Quokkas are sensitive to human energy, so it’s important to approach them calmly and without sudden movements. Avoid making loud noises or sudden gestures that could startle or stress them.
  2. Respect their personal space: Give the quokka plenty of room and avoid crowding or cornering them. It’s crucial to let them feel comfortable and in control of their environment. Remember, they are wild animals, and it’s best to observe them from a safe distance.
  3. Allow them to approach you: Instead of chasing or pursuing a quokka, give them the choice to come to you. Crouch down or sit quietly in their vicinity, and they may approach out of curiosity. This approach helps foster a natural interaction and can result in more authentic and engaging selfies.
  4. Use non-threatening body language: Quokkas respond well to non-threatening body language. Avoid direct eye contact, as it can be interpreted as aggression in the animal kingdom. Instead, avert your gaze slightly and maintain a relaxed posture to show that you mean no harm.
  5. Avoid touching or feeding: It is important to never touch or feed quokkas. This is not only for their safety but also to maintain their natural behaviour and diet. Feeding them human food can be harmful to their health, and touching them can cause stress or potentially transmit diseases.

Remember, the well-being and conservation of quokkas should always be the top priority. If a quokka shows signs of distress or moves away, it’s crucial to respect their boundaries and allow them to retreat to their natural habitat.

What are the Best Places on Rottnest Island to Spot a Quokka?

Where to spot a quokka on Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island offers several fantastic locations where you can spot quokkas in their natural habitat. Here are some of the best places to increase your chances of encountering these adorable marsupials and snagging your perfect Quokka selfie.

Settlement and Thomson Bay

As the main hub of Rottnest Island, Settlement and Thomson Bay provide ample opportunities to spot quokkas. They can often be found near the beach, in parks, and even wandering around the accommodation areas.

The Basin

This popular swimming spot on the island also serves as a quokka hotspot. The Basin is known for its crystal-clear waters and surrounding greenery, attracting quokkas who venture near the shoreline.

Parker Point

Located on the southern side of Rottnest Island, Parker Point is not only a picturesque snorkeling spot but also a favourite location for encountering quokkas. Explore the area, and you might come across these furry creatures amidst the coastal vegetation.

West End

The rugged and breathtaking West End of Rottnest Island offers a more remote and less crowded experience. It’s also an excellent place to spot quokkas, as they can be seen exploring the bushland and coastal areas in this region.

While these locations are known to have higher quokka populations, it’s important to remember that quokkas roam freely throughout the island. Be patient, observant, and respectful of their natural habitats, and you’re likely to have many opportunities to spot and interact with these charming creatures during your visit to Rottnest Island.

Take a quokka selfie

The rules – don’t touch the quokka

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Make sure to head to the Kid Bucket List Instagram for all of our video coverage. 

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