69. Roll Down a Hill

What kid doesn’t want to roll down a hill! There are many hill spaces close to where we live. On a walk to the park Miss N spontaneously suggested that I video her rolling down the hill above the equipment. Why not! If you would like to enjoy this adventure with your own kidlet you …

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41. Walk the Longest Timber-Piled Jetty in the Southern Hemisphere: Busselton Jetty

Have you ever wanted to walk out into the ocean into the horizon? Ever wondered how it would feel to walk that far without getting wet? We’ve walked along many a jetty here in Australia but they are largely only a hundred metres or so long. Not in Brusselton, WA. Here the jetty is an …

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Discover How Money is Made: The Perth Mint

Liebster Blogging Award : A Surprise Thrill To Make Me Smile

It all started with an innocent question: “how is money made, Daddy?” which led to the inclusion of this particular item on our Bucket List. When visiting Perth, WA we added a visit to the Perth Mint to our itinerary- it was sure to answer many of the questions our two kidlets had about coins and …

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Get Lost in a Maze: Amaze ‘n’ Place in Alstonville NSW

Get Lost in a Maze: Amaze ‘n’ Place in Alstonville NSW

Every child needs to get lost in a maze at least once. It’s a little confusing when every turn looks the same, but exhilarating all the same. If you are travelling up (or down depending on where you are coming from) the North New South Wales coast a detor through Alstonville to Amaze ‘n’ Place …

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Fishing Adventures: Catch a Fish

Fishing Adventures: Catch a Fish

Learning to fish is an age old tradition, yet I never did. It makes me a little queasy really. My children are fascinated and when gifted a rod, reel and tackle box I knew it was one of those things we were just going to have to do. But I was scared……how does one tie …

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Fly a kite

Let’s go fly a kite….. Flight is something that intrigues us all. Flying a kite can be quite exhilarating. While it does require wind and some strategic positioning to ensure the kite actually flies, when it does one can’t help but smile. Acquiring a kite is simple: either buy one or make one. Need some …

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Be a Superhero for the Day

10. Be a Superhero for the Day

Childhood provides that opportunity to grab a cape and wear it all day. You are invisible. You CAN achieve anything Want to make one yourself? Here are four great tutorials to help you craft the perfect one for your kidlet. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Pick chestnuts

Three years ago we started a yearly tradition of driving up the Bells Line of Road into the mountains to go walnut and chestnut picking. It has become quite an adventure starting with an early morning departure and a late return. I’m a little worried that letting you know about our favourite chestnut farm may …

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14. Milk a cow by hand – Golden Ridge Animal Farm

14. Milk a cow by hand – Golden Ridge Animal Farm

Sydney is blessed with many different activities suitable to do with kids on the weekend or school holidays. Golden Ridge Animal Farm is a family operated business in the leafy suburb of Duralumin. We drove out to visit one Sunday convinced that it would be the place to finally milk a cow. And that is …

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Botany Bay: Build a sandcastle at the beach with a moat

Botany Bay: Build a sandcastle at the beach with a moat

I’m told that you can’t go to the beach without building a sandcastle. Obviously we have been doing it all wrong because we missed that memo on previous trips and have only just thought about purchasing some buckets and spades to start including this activity in our beach adventures. Botany Bay is a great day …

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37. See how many different shells we can find at the beach

See how many different shells we can find at the beach

A little confession: I don’t really like the beach. Actually, that’s not completely true. I just don’t like the sand. It gets stuck in all the wrong places and seems to spread. Since having children I have been trying to overcome this dislike as they adore everything about the beach including the sand. With this …

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Walk the labyrinth

78. Walk the labyrinth

In early March 2014 we took a drive out to the annual Arcadia Country Fair which is hosted by the Benedictine Monks. This was not only a chance to acquire some produce and homemade jams but an opportunity to explore the Monastery. We were excited. The fair was fun with pony rides for the kids and …

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Camden Show: Still a Country Show

For the past two years we have packed a day bag and headed off to the Camden Show in early April. Running a few weeks before the Royal Easter Show we find it to be much more relaxing whilst offering many of our favourite show exhibits. Typically we make a bee line for the produce …

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