What to Feed Ducks : Feeding Ducks with Kids

feeding ducks with kids

When the kids were little, heading to our local lake to feed the ducks was one of our favourite activities. Initially, we would take the remainder of our loaf of bread, and take it in turns to rip the slices apart and throw them to the ducks, geese and other water birds. As it turns …

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Guide to Phillip Island Penguin Parade with Kids

Guide to Phillip Island Penguin Parade with Kids

Introducing the kids to Phillip Island’s famous Penguin Parade has been one of our Kid Bucket List items that also draws a whole lot of childhood nostalgia for me. I was Sunshine’s age when I first visited Phillip Island. We were on school camp. I can remember the excitement of heading to the Penguin Parade …

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Ballarat Wildlife Park : Up Close With Australian Animals

One of the first things I taught my children when we started visiting my parent’s farm, which backs on to the Wombat State Forest, was to admire the native animals from a distance. I warned them not to walk up to the kangaroos that feed in the top paddock every afternoon. I said no to sticking their heads in the …

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Werribee Open Range Zoo : An African Safari Adventure in Australia

Werribee Open Range Zoo : An African Safari Adventure in Australia

While a visit to the amazing African continent is just out of my family’s reach right now, introducing my children to the animals that roam the savannah is indeed possible thanks to the Werribee Open Range Zoo. Situated 35 kilometres west of Melbourne’s city centre, the zoo is a not-for-profit conservation organisation that focuses predominately on African species. It was …

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Collingwood Children’s Farm : A Farm Adventure in the City!

Collingwood Children's Farm : A Farm Adventure in the City!

Melbourne is a vibrant city with the bonus of having a multitude of hidden delights awaiting your discovery. It was only last year that I heard about the Collingwood Children’s Farm. Suddenly it was appearing in my social media news feed with many of my Melbourne based friend’s regularly visiting and singingits praises.  T and I didn’t …

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Royal Melbourne Zoo : Close Encounters of the Animal Kind

Royal Melbourne Zoo : Close Encounters of the Animal Kind

Way back in 1986, my family settled in Woodend, Victoria after living in Darwin and Tasmania. I started a new primary school and for the very first time visited Melbourne zoo. It was the perfect year for an introduction to the site with the Butterfly House, the first every built in the Southern Hemisphere and …

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