Story Time : Week 1 – Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

Today marks the beginning of our Story Time journey which I posted about only last week. From our book shelves I have chosen 7 picture books for us to read together and Roald Dahl’s Big Friendly Giant as our nightly chapter book. Whilst I have chosen this weeks selection, I anticipate that both Master R and Miss N will have the opportunity to select our books in the coming weeks.

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

So why this selection? I have chosen each book as they reflect certain events that are happening in our lives right at this moment or will answer some questions that have been pondered by us at dinner time. They explore new concepts and are certain to broaden our knowledge. One or two are just fun.

Week 1 Books

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

House design and building construction have been a topic of much discussion of late. The kids have become quite interested in the apartments they’ve seen taking shape when we drive into town. I’ve sourced three books that I think will explain the differences between architects and engineers a little better than I can whilst also exploring the importance of harnessing your passion.

  1. Iggy Peck, Architect
  2. Rosie Revere, Engineer
  3. Roberto The Insect Architect

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

On the eve of the 100th year anniversary of Gallipoli, the Australian media is gearing up to remember the battle with flashes of upcoming broadcasts, tv series and movies promoted on most channels. Both Master R and Miss N have become quite curious about the significance of Gallipoli and I think books are the way to introduce this part of Australian history. This is especially important after our experience at the National War Memorial. I felt that Jackie French might be the one to help with this and chose this week’s selection after hearing her speak as part of the Sydney Writer’s Festival.

4. The Beach They Called Gallipoli

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

Miss N lost another tooth this week and with our trip to the USA became a little anxious that neither the Tooth Fairy or Father Christmas would find her. I am largely honest and talk about ‘parent helpers’ and the ‘spirit of Christmas’ rather than the character and go to lengths not to uncessarility continue to perpetuate the myth of either character, but Miss N sees magic all around and keeps it going herself. So when she asked how does s/he find us I thought I would let an Aussie picture book draw her own conclusions.

5. It’s a Miroocooll

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

The last two picture books this week are a bit of fun. One provides a great rhythm to the story which I know will make it a firm favourite. The other was chosen by Master R when we explored a great little bookshop in Woodend, Victoria.

6. The Terrible Plop
7. Babar’s World Tour

Story Time : Week 1 - Roald Dahl, Construction and Australian Literature

I love the idea of reading chapter books to the kids at bedtime. We read many Enid Blyton books, Mary Poppins and all of the 13 Storey Treehouse novels across 2014. It is now time to introduce Roald Dahl. To start our journey through his collection I sourced the BFG which was one of my favourites when I was in primary school. I’m certain they will fall in love with both the BFG and Sophie within a few chapters.

8. The BFG

Over the next week we will read each of these together as a family. I know that each book will answer many of the questions the kidlets have been pondering over the last month, whilst also creating lots of room for discussion. If you have a chance, read them too! Happy Reading!

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