Let’s Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Entertaining kids when they’re required to stay in the one spot for a few hours, such on a plane or road trip, can be a real challenge if they’re not amused by 21st century technology. Miss N is one such creature and requires some strategic thinking on my part to ensure we have enough activities to keep her entertained during those sedentary moments. Activity and sticker books are the foundation to a good travel kit and this month I have found a new set that has already kept her engrossed for a few hours.

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Lonely Planet Kids selections have been a favourite of ours since we discovered them last year. We are head over heels for their latest Sticker Book Series Let’s Explore with each book in the collection taking you on an adventure with Amelia and Marco whilst featuring over 250 stickers and a plethora of activities, fun facts and puzzles. We have been working our way through Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… JungleLonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Ocean and Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Safari which have each surprised me in their ability to thoroughly engage Miss N for at least an hour each sitting. AN HOUR!!!

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Ocean  was Miss N’s first choice between the three. Having spent days at the beach over summer it really came as no surprise. The very first activity finds you dressing Amelia and Marco in diving outfits which greatly amused Miss N who has her sights set on doing this in Queensland before she turns 10 (is that even possible?). Further activities had her decorating reefs, creating a periscope and exploring the animals that live in the ocean.

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Our next selection was Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Jungle. All three books have incredibly vibrant images but Miss N commented that this was the most colourful of them with its pages of colourful exotic birds and tropical rain forests. She even discovered a whole bunch of information about the Amazon to boot.

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Having visited Werribee Zoo back in January, Miss N put off reading Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Safari until last so she could enjoy each page. She was able to identify all the animals thanks to our earlier adventures. following Amelia and Marco’s jeep safari in Africa made her squeal a little as she pointed to scenes saying “we did that, we did that!”. (um….well, in Australia anyway).

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Lonely Planet Kids Let’s Explore series are certain to keep your kids occupied for hours if they love stickers, activities on paper and learning new and awesome facts about our world. They’re recommended for children aged 5-8 years but I could easily enjoy them too 😉 Each book features around 60 pages with 12 pages of stickers. They retail for $12.99 each (or head to Booktopia and grab them for $10.40)

Let's Explore With Lonely Planet Kids : Adventures With Amelia and Marco

Lonely Planet Kids Let’s Explore Book Pack Giveaway

Thanks to Lonely Planet Kids we have Let’s Explore Book Pack to giveaway. The pack consists of a copy of each title: Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Jungle, Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Ocean and Lonely Planet Kids: Let’s Explore… Safari

Winner:  Priscilla L

Terms and conditions: The KidBucketList Lonely Planet Kids Let’s Explore Book Pack giveaway is a game of skill. The competition opens, 25 February, 2016 at 6.00 am EST and closes on Friday, 4 March at 6.59 pm EST. One entry per person. Australian entries only. Participants must provide a valid email address and answer the question in the comment form to be eligible. One (1) entrant will win a Lonely Planet Kids Let’s Explore Book pack RRP$38.97. The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered in to. All entrants must follow the instructions provided. KidBucketList reserves the right to change the dates of the promotion if required. Also, if there are compelling technical or administrative reasons which we cannot control, KidBucketList can cancel or modify the promotion. Notice of any changes to the promotion will be given at www.kidbucketlist.com.au. The winner will be notified by email and their name will be published on KidBucketList. KidBucketList reserves the right to select an alternate winner if we determine in its sole discretion that the winner/s do not adequately satisfy these terms and conditions. Prizes are not transferable and not redeemable for cash. The prize winner is responsible for any expenses, fees and costs connected with the prizes that are not included in the prize descriptions. KidBucketList and their promotional partners are not responsible for any loss or damage in relation to the prize once it has been awarded. All entries become the property of KidBucketList. Once submitted, your entry will not be returned to you. In return for entering the competition you grant KidBucketList a worldwide, non-exclusive, irrevocable licence in perpetuity to reproduce, publish, adapt, communicate and broadcast all or part of your entry in any media for the purposes of this competition and inclusion in KidBucketList branded products and marketing materials. KidBucketList will use the personal information contained in your entry to conduct the promotion, and award the prize. If you win a prize, KidBucketList can use your name to credit you for your entry and for marketing purposes. Prizes must be claimed within 48 hours of notification at which time an alternate winner will be chosen and announced.

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