
The Kid Bucket List concept was conceived on my parent’s farmhouse verandah one summer. It was through a conversation with my Mother, I realised that many of the activities that I enjoyed organically as a child were unlikely to feature in my kid’s childhood unless we specifically sought out opportunities.

This epiphany led me to develop a list of experiences I hoped my children would check off before they finished school.

This bucket list listed dozens of things that we hoped to do, from milking a cow to holding a crocodile. No idea was too silly or unachievable. As they were completed, we documented the experience, hopeful that other families might try it too.

The Kid Bucket List Family

Sometimes health and money can get in the way of some of the big-ticket items on a list. I doubt that we will be headed off to Africa anytime soon (read about how we are travelling with a Chronic Health Condition.) but this only provides room for other adventures, right?

The great thing about a Bucket List is that you’re under no obligation to complete every item you’ve listed….they can stay in the Bucket ready and waiting for the perfect time. Better still, you can keep adding items whenever you discover something you would like to add.

A Kid Bucket List makes you think about what you want to do with your children and helps you to find adventures that you don’t expect. Travelling with kids can be fun and rewarding.

About Us

Leah and T

Kid Bucket List About

Meeting during the Sydney 2000 Games, we travelled through Asia, Europe, USA and the Pacific before the arrival of our children.

Working in education has provided us with the ability to make experience hunting one of our lifestyle priorities, and we are on the constant search for new activities to try.

We encourage our children to harness their curiosity and let it lead their adventures.


Striker Kid Bucket List

Striker took his first plane ride when he was only 3 months old and has been enjoying travel in Australia and abroad ever since.

Sport, history and electronics are his passions, and he always asks that we include an historic site visit on our travels.


Sunshine Kid Bucket List

When she’s not testing a hypothesis with her latest science experiment, Sunshine is busy dabbing in her other creative pursuits.

The biggest adrenaline junkie in the family, she enjoys pushing her limits through rock climbing, indoor skydiving and theme park rides.


Kid Bucket List About

Sunshine and Striker love exploring with their three cousins who often feature in our articles. Dubbed the Adventurous Five they love to try new things together and encourage each other to push through the scary stuff.


The Kid Bucket List has been the recipient of a number of awards. These include:

  • Kidspot Voices 2015 “Put Yourself On The Map” WINNER
  • Kidspot Voices 2015 Food and Travel FINALIST
  • Top 20 Family Travel Blogger 2016 Holiday Lettings by TripAdvisor
  • Top Parenting Blogs 2017 Nappy Bag Store

Guest Posts

Thanks for your interest. We don’t host guest blogs.


I own the copyright for all the content on this site and it is based on my own opinion.  My own images are copyrighted content and may only be used with permission (please email me!). All images that have not been taken by me on this site are clearly credited to their owners. My articles may not be re-posted anywhere else on the Internet or in any form of media without express, written permission.


Commentaries and opinions are my own. Product reviews and Advertorials are clearly marked.  I sometimes use some affiliate links where relevant and appropriate. Articles containing affiliate links are labelled.

Want to read more about us:

On why we are definitely a travel blogger even though we work.

Travelling with a Chronic Health Condition.

How do we afford to travel?

10 thoughts on “About”

  1. This is a great idea. I love that my daughters seem to have caught the travel bug from us, even though they are only 4 and 1. I love this idea of letting them create their own bucket list! Travel for us has changed now that we travel with kids but it is still fabulous and I am sure it will be changing as they grow too.

  2. This is such a great idea. Growing up my family and I literally went on one holiday (I didn’t have a bad childhood, just not a very adventurous one!) You’ve made me ponder about a bunch of places I want to take my girls.

    Awesome idea!


  3. Your adventures look really fun, I will enjoy reading about what you get up to in Australia as I live in England. I like writing about the places I explore too and I am 9.

  4. WOW, how lucky are your children? What an awesome idea… Thanks for the follow and a pleasure to follow you and stay inspired. Ommm and peace from the Temple.

  5. Hi there! Came across your fabulous blog via the aussie bloggers FB group. Looks like you’ve been on some awesome adventures already. If you come to SA and are looking for tips I’d be happy to offer some suggestions 🙂

  6. What an awesome idea! I have five year old twins and they are my favourite travel companions, so enthusiastic! Last year we went elephant riding in Thailand and pretended to be pirates at the Princess Diana memorial playground, if you ever go to London it is a bucket list item! I’m hoping I can take the kids to Japan sometime in the future, looks like you had an amazing trip!

  7. My kids are 9 and 12 now and I’m really feeling that time whizzing by too quickly. There are already things they are a bit too old for now that I wish they’d had the opportunity to experience. I love the idea of a bucket list for their childhood! We’re going to collaborate on a list straight away and I will do what I can to tick as many things off the list as possible over the next few years.

    Thank you for the inspiration!


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