A Forest in the City : The Sydney Opera House

A Forest in the City | Sydney Opera House

The Kid Bucket List’s littlest cuties headed to the Sydney Opera House today to experience A Forest in the City. Brought to The House by the same production crew as Saltbush we knew we had a delight awaiting us. We were promised an interactive performance, integrating full-scale, colourful projections with dance.  From the onset, both …

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The Best Kids Shows in Sydney This Year

All the best shows to see in Sydney with kids

Creativity inspires creativity. With this in mind, planning at least one or two theatre shows, musicals, or stage shows for kids across the year has been an important tradition for families. From enchanting fairy tales to interactive adventures, Sydney’s vibrant theatre scene offers a plethora of opportunities for children to experience the magic of live …

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Brainiac Live at the Sydney Opera House

Brainiac Live at the Sydney Opera House

Brainiac Live exploded onto the stage at the Sydney Opera House today, exploring some of those big “wonder if’s” that sometimes cross our kids minds. It captured both Striker and Sunshine’s full attention from the very first BANG through to the very end! Based on the multi-award winning TV show: Brainiac: Science Abuse, Brainiac Live! investigates those mysteries of …

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Frank Woodley, Noodlenut : A Show For Kids

Frank Woodley, Noodlenut : A Show For Kids

When it comes to comedy, I am a hard sell. It takes a fair bit to bring tears of laughter to my eyes and I seem to have passed this on to Striker who is always a harsh critic when it comes to the comedy shows we have been to. Imagine the surprise and delight …

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Monkey Baa Theatre: The Bockety World of Henry and Bucket

Monkey Baa Theatre: The Bockety World of Henry and Bucket

These school holidays, Sydneysiders have been spoilt with the release of a brand new theatre production: The Bockety World of Henry and Bucket which can be seen at the Monkey Baa Theatre. Whilst the team at the Kid Bucket List were unable to attend these school holidays, we decided to pay forward our tickets to one …

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The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

The Wolf and Peter : Contemporary Dance For Kids

CoisCéim Dance Theatre Brings The Wolf and Peter to Australia When I was in early primary school, both of my parents worked during the school holidays. My middle brother and I usually found ourselves enrolled in school holiday programs where we would go on some amazing adventures. It was on one of these outings that …

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Justine Clarke’s Look! Look! It’s a Gobbledeegook!

Justine Clarke's Look! Look! It's a Gobbledeegook!

I’m going to put it out there and admit that yes, yes I have a girl crush on Justine Clarke. Obviously when I received news that Justine Clarke’s Look! Look! It’s a Gobbledeegook! was heading to the Sydney during the winter school holidays,  I did what all manipulative good mothers do and convinced Sunshine that SHE …

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Dot and the Kangaroo : A Theatrical Adaptation at the Sydney Opera House

Dot and the Kangaroo : A Theatrical Adaptation at the Sydney Opera House

The Australian bush is a magical place especially if you’ve just watched Dot and the Kangaroo. As a kid there were countless times I wandered into the bush just near our house hoping that the wildlife I encountered would suddenly converse with me as they had for Dot. When I heard that the theatre production Creature: An …

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CIRCUS 1903 – The Golden Age of Circus : An Elephant Experience

CIRCUS 1903 – The Golden Age of Circus : An Elephant Experience

image supplied As a small girl, I dreamed of growing up and running away with the circus to become a Liberty Horse trainer. You may have held similar imaginings, albeit as an acrobat or lion tamer or even a clown? As adulthood nears, dreams of the circus typically move aside for serious things like study, work and …

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KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil : The Must See Show of the Year

KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil : The Must See Show of the Year

Over the years we have been in the audience at many Circus performances, even a previous Cirque du Soleil. They have a certain rhythm, a certain predictability. I was expecting much of a muchness as we headed to the Entertainment Quarter at Moore Park to watch KOOZA by Cirque du Soleil.  I humoured the kids, yes …

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Disney’s Aladdin the Musical Soars into Sydney

Disney's Aladdin the Musical Soars into Sydney

When news started flooding my social media that Disney’s Aladdin the Musical was heading to Sydney all the way from Broadway, I was overcome with nostalgia. In my early adolescence, Aladdin was one of the first movies I watched at the movie theatre….without my parents. Each and every song is committed to memory. I may …

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Jack and the Beanstalk : The Dark Reimagining of a Fairy Tale

Jack and the Beanstalk : The Dark Reimagining of a Fairy Tale

During the later part of the winter school holidays we headed off to the Sydney Opera House to watch Jack and the Beanstalk. Both T and I were super excited to introduce the kids to its stage adaptation having both viewed it as children ourselves. Nothing could quite prepare us for what we were to …

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Singin’ in the Rain Splashes Into Sydney

Singin’ in the Rain Splashes Into Sydney

Singin’ in the Rain splashed into Sydney’s Lyric Theatre over the weekend after a wildly successful sell-out season in the West-End and a roaring debut in Australia at Melbourne’s Her Majesty’s Theatre. Thanks to Nuffnang, we were in the audience for the preview night and what a night it was! As many of you would …

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