Playground Finder – The Easiest Way For You To Find A Playground Near You in Australia

Playground Finder - The Easiest Way For You To Find A Playground Near You in Australia

There are weeks when I find myself with little to no travel budget either because I’ve used it all up on other activities or I’ve been a little impulsive and booked something for our next holidays and need to save for it. Such weekends are easily filled with adventure through something so simple and old school – playgrounds. With a playground out there to suit every child and age group the only hassle is finding which one is perfect for your family.

I recently stumbled on the Playground Finder website which is a resource every parent needs at their fingertip. The brainchild of Ben and Suzette Hosken, this beauty allows you to search for playgrounds in your chosen area around Australia. It’s like your own little Trip Advisor for playgrounds with real parents who have used the playground providing reviews of their visit so you can gauge if it is a site you would like to visit. You can even submit your own reviews! Absolutely perfect for planning a weekend picnic or day out, right?

Playground Finder - The Easiest Way For You To Find A Playground Near You in Australia

But what do you do if you’re out for a drive and your plans are abruptly cancelled maybe due to a venue closure or a huge traffic jam? Well thanks to Playground Finder you can whip out your smartphone or iPad and use the new Playground Finder App. This snazzy FREE app allows you to immediately see all the playgrounds near you on a map, read the reviews so you can get an impression of what it’s like and see the photos so you can make a judgment on whether to check it out yourself. I’ve downloaded it!

Playground Finder - The Easiest Way For You To Find A Playground Near You in Australia

We have a number of favourite playgrounds in Sydney already: Garrison Point, St Peters and Homebush. Now we have the perfect tool to help us find more!

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