The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

Are you ever too old to enjoy physical play? Is there ever a time when climbing, zooming, spinning and whizzing are outgrown? We were super excited to discover Jubilee Park Adventure Playground in Mortdale over the weekend which is perfect for older kids who may have outgrown their local park but are still seeking the rush of a playground visit.

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

Open in January 2018 after a $2.5 million build, Jubilee Park Adventure Playground in Mortdale features a children’s bicycle track, multi-purpose courts, junior swings, flying foxes, picnic and barbecue areas, a walking track, an outdoor gym equipment, a giant climbing frame with overhead tunnels, and a giant slide.

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

While it is best suited to primary aged children and onwards, with an adult’s guiding hand, toddlers will also enjoy this space.

CLICK to read all about Oatley Park Baths which are close to Jubilee Park

Kid Tested

Sunshine visited Jubilee Park Adventure Playground with her two older cousins. On arrival they made a beeline for the climbing frame and slide. As they climbed it, I did note another parent climbing up to rescue their younger child (maybe 5-6) who had become frightened once in the floating tunnels and had to be physically assisted down the slide. It is high off the ground, so assess your child’s ability with heights before sending them up.

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The three girls enjoyed the climbing frame but only attempted it a few times before heading to the flying fox. Luckily there wasn’t much of a crowd, so they were able to have around three times each before moving to the next activity.

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The netted swing (circular which fits 4-5 kids) was the winner on this visit. The kids were lucky that the park was relatively quiet so they could monopolise this activity for a good 30 minutes or so. Being mindful of others was the only reason they finally hopped off, so another child could have a go.

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

Whilst all three kids mentioned that it wasn’t as awesome as Fairfield Adventure Park, they were impressed and super excited to add another park to their stable of parks suitable for tweens and teens. Double thumbs up

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale


One of the biggest disappointments of Jubilee Park Adventure Playground was its lack of accessibility. With such a huge amount of money spent on the park, it irritates me that universal design principles were not embedded in the design concept. For example, flying fox is only suitable for children who can hold on with their arms and sit.

Looking for the best playgrounds in Sydney? Check out our full coverage!

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Details

Address: Boundary Rd, Mortdale
Open: All hours, however the playground does not appear to be lit and would be best accessed during daylight hours.
Distance from Sydney CBD:  27.7 km from the Sydney CBD or approximately 31 minutes by car
Parking: There is a small car park and parking roadside. It can be quite full, with flow on to the side streets around the park.


The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale
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The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

The Best Sydney Parks : Jubilee Park Adventure Playground Mortdale

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